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My Background


Liz is driven by a deep passion for assisting others on their journey to healing and provides exceptional care for all her clients. Liz takes a holistic approach, considering both the mind and body, and utilises evidence-based treatments along with cutting-edge technology to enhance treatment outcomes. Each client is highly valued by Liz, recognising their individuality.


Liz takes pride in being a mother of two incredible boys. She has a personal interest in exercise and self-care, understanding the challenges that life can present. Many of the treatments offered at Liz's clinic are rooted in her own personal experiences, as she has personally benefited from them. This drove Liz to bring these effective treatments to Lincoln, with the goal of helping others in similar situations. Following a C-section for her first child, Liz sought out Fascial BodyWork, Scar Therapy, and Pilates to aid in her recovery.


Liz also understands the importance of self-care. After all, one cannot adequately care for others without first caring for oneself. Therefore, Liz believes in regular self-care practices such as facials, gentle release therapy, and movement exercises. These practices promote overall well-being and enable individuals to better care for those around them.

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